海外大学院 進学奮闘日記 (1年学部留学を経て)


grew up a little Day51-53


 From now on, I try to write my blog not only in Japanese but also English below. I realize I should focus on English more.

DAY51 07/04


 I was exhausted from yesterday's heavy walk, I gave up joining BBQ event held by International Student Community in UoW. However,  I met my friend at the cafe in front of the library to make travelling plans to Melborne in recess week. We are going to stay up with my friend's host family, and see great ocean road, small penguin. I also met and chatted with other friends. Moreover, we were invoved in making a video for some campaign. Before I knew it, it became dark.


DAY52 08/04

 実は、、寮の悩みが深くなってきて困ってました。笑 そんな時にこの記事(リンク貼ります)を読んだら、、今まで日本人に会って(彼らはいつも事前に連絡をくれるが、英語を話して他の人と交流しようという気はない)夕飯食べて日本語話してる寮の状態をどうにかしないと思って、、悩んで、、よく寝ました。笑 実は昨日インドネシア人にFBのグループに招待してもらって今までどれだけ情報不足だったかを思い知らされてショックも受けてた。夕食、最悪一人でもどうってことないって思ったら、前から話したいと思ってたアメリカ人の子が一人で食べてたので話してきた。出だしだから今だと違うかもしれないけど、その子が「your english is nice」と言ってくれた時はちょっと喜んだ笑 見た目アジア系に見えると思ったら両親が韓国人と中国人らしい、、オージーよりもアメリカ英語の方がやっぱり聞きやすい(´;ω;`) でも、こんな調子で少しずつ努力して、カンフォートゾーンを抜けなきゃなと思った。

 I worried about my life in my dormitory more deeply. I read below articles and realized I have to change my situation which always contact message and go to dinner with Japanese friend and talk only in Japanese. Sadly, both of them don't feel like speaking English and interacting with other people. Then I thought and worried about it all day on the bed and sometimes slept. Acutally, other shocking event happened. One Indonesian friend invited me to FB group of my dormitory, and I knew the fact that I was lack of information before. I was scared to eat dinner alone, but I tried to go to cafeteria without their contact. Fortunately, one American student who wanted to talk someday ate alone, so I tried to talk to  her. I was a litle pleased when she said to me that my English is good. Her outlook seems Asian, and actually her parents are from South Korea and China. It's easier to hear and understand American English rather than Aussie's English.

I have to learn that I have to make an effort to get out of comfot zone.




DAY53 10/04


 I said my opinion twice  in Japanese culture & history class , however, I felt one of thems seemed off the point. How disappointing! After the class, I went to shopping to Coles to get snacks and drink for this week, and took part in GCP. We enjoyed playing games for Easter and talked about horrable events. I talked real one.kk I'm scared to go to dinner today as well, but lukily I found a German girl who met on Friday and the American girl I talked with yesterday. I went to that table, and made some new acquaintances. Problems can not be resolved without my dealing with positively. I can not explain my situation to my parents or friends in Japan in detail. There is also language barrier. Given from different view, it is best environment to train myself.